Wednesday 11 June 2014

Asics- polo woman- 30 €
Asics- polo woman- 30 €
Asics- polo man- 35 €
Asics- polo man- 35 €
Drop shot- polo woman- 25€

multi-brand polos
Vayro- polo man- 29,99 €


In this commercial we show you our fantastic installations. 


World No.1 padel player visits Albox

World No.1 padel player Juan Martin Diaz at Albox Tennis Club
The best Padel player in the World, Juan Martin Diaz, held a Padel Clinic at Albox Tennis Club on Sunday morning.

'El Galleguito’ as he is known is considered by many to be the best player ever in the history of the sport.
Alongside his doubles partner Fernando Belasteguin, he has held the number one spot in the Padel Pro Tour Ranking ever since the circuit began back in 2005 and has more than 100 titles to his name.
Juan was happy to give out advice as local players enjoyed the opportunity to play with and learn from a Master.
After a morning of Padel in front of a sizeable crowd, the President of Albox Tennis Club presented Juan with a souvenir ceramic plate handmade by Juan Alfonso Fernandez of  local pottery firm ‘Los Puntas’.


Some of you told us to organize a tournament, well, we have been working at that and we have managed to include our tournament in the world padel tour. This means that some of the best players in the world will play in our club and you are going to be able to see it!!! Here is the spot of the tournament, we hope you enjoy seeing it.

Sunday 23 March 2014

movile week in barcelona (wearables tecnology)

One innovation of this week in barcelona is the wearables tecnology. wearables technology is a version of movile tecnology but applying it to others objets like clocks, glasses, rings, t-shirts, jacktes, shoes or bracelets. with that tecnology you can ring, send messages or listen to music at any time,also you can use them easily while you are doing sport or swimming in the pool. This is supose to be the step from movile technology to wereable tecnology, a new horizon in the world of technology.

Tuesday 10 December 2013


Know us through this funny prey that will show you some dates about our club.

Tuesday 5 November 2013


1brandn. a particular make of product.
2consumern. the person who buys and uses a product or service.
3costv.  to estimate the price of making a product.
4developv. to create a new product or improve an existing one.
5distributionn. the delivering of products to end-users, inc. advertising, storing etc
6end-usern. the person, customer etc who is the ultimate user of a product.
7imagen. the concept or perception of a firm or product held by the general public
8labeln. small piece of paper, metal etc on a product giving information about it
9launchv. to introduce a new product, with publicity etc
10mail ordern. the selling of goods by post.
11market researchn. study of consumers' needs & preferences, often for a particular product.
12packagingUKn. the wrapping or container for a product.
13point of salen. the place where a product is actually sold to the public.
14productn. something made to be sold; merchandise.
15public relationsn. creation and maintenance of a good public image.
16registeredadj. registered or officially recorded as a trademark.
17sponsorn. firm supporting an organisation in return for advertising space.
18S.W.O.T.abbr. Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
19total productn. the whole product, inc. name, packaging, instructions, reliability, after-sales etc
20trademarkn. special symbol, design, word etc used to represent a product or firm." border="0" width="88" height="31" alt="Free Flaming Tennis Ball Cursors at" />